The day I allowed love in was the day I set myself free. I remember lying on my couch
recovering from my seven seizures, I was in pain and didn't feel my best, but I wasn't afraid anymore. I was free. I didn't feel the heaviness I felt before my suicide attempt; I felt lighter. I felt a sense of peace and gratitude that I had never felt before. There were things that I noticed about myself that I had never seen before, and I was thankful. As the gratitude filled my body, I slowly started to feel alive again, and the more alive I felt, the more love I allowed myself to let in. With this renewed sense of love and gratitude, I could focus on my healing, move forward with my life, and see through a lens of love instead of fear. I started speaking with words of love not only to myself but to others, and as I said those words of love, my vibration began to shift from Hate, hurt, despair, and lack to joy, harmony, and abundance. I became more conscious of my words and phrases and the energy that they carried with them. The more I chose to speak positively about myself, the better I would feel. I would take notice of those feelings, allow myself to feel them, and be fully present. The better I felt, the more present I became. As I let the gratitude of each present moment fill my body and be grateful in every moment, not just for the things I had in my life but in my circumstances as well, I opened myself up to the goodness of what is and the messy, beautiful reality of life.
I Love You are three of the most challenging words you can say to yourself, but you free yourself of so much when you can say them. Letting the love in and saying "I Love You" to yourself is easy once you stop allowing fear in the driver's seat. Fear is a genuine emotion and can move us in many directions. Fear can create a feeling of calm or chaos if we use it right, and by acknowledging fear and making it a friend, we can let the love that we all crave come through and lead us to where we want to be.
Love is a beautiful feeling, and when you fully feel it, your world looks different, and your body, mind, and spirit all begin to lift. I didn't realize how much my words impacted how much I loved myself and the world around me until I started to speak sweeter words and be grateful for those things that once were hard to accept. When you find gratitude in those things you once thought hard to see, things begin to flow easier; the people, places, and circumstances you once had a conflict with start to look like blessings.
I challenge you today to look in the mirror and, without judgment, put your hand on your heart and say out loud, "I Love You." It may seem weird and a bit difficult at first, but if you fully feel your heart and notice all it has allowed you to get through, saying the words "I Love You won't seem so hard.
Set the intention, make the promise, and move forward gratefully. Keep on keeping on.